A Lively Church

The other Sunday morning, we walked into church, and I was struck with the vibrant life that I felt as we entered the lobby. There were dozens of people standing around chatting. Our children ran to their favorite people and greeted them with hugs.

There were people of all ages from various backgrounds, businessmen and women, Amish families, moms and dads, and loads of children everywhere. Nearly everyone was talking and smiling and appeared genuinely pleased to be at church.

We checked our children in for kid’s church and then headed into the sanctuary to get settled before worship. As we walked into church, a group of girls near our daughters’ ages ran up, and they all greeted each other with enthusiasm. We went to a bench and got things organized and settled. As I looked around the auditorium, I saw people walking in to find their seats. But they weren’t just filing in solemnly and quietly. No, there were moms and dads corraling multiple children while juggling coffee cups and diaper bags. There were people walking across the room to greet a friend before they sat down. There were waves and greetings tossed back and forth across the room. And it felt alive!

When worship started, there was a group of kids in the back worshipping in their own way with coloring and drawing and chatting to each other. Other children went to their favorite adults to worship with them. I sat back in my seat and took a moment to realize just how absolutely blessed we are to have this church community in our lives right now.

Children are celebrated and welcomed. The children are welcome to go to kid’s church after worship or they are welcome to stay with their parents and listen to the message. If there is extended prayer or ministry time at the end of a service, parents are encouraged to bring their children up from kid’s church so they can be part of it. When the children are dismissed to go to kid’s church, the rest of the church speaks a blessing over them that declares that the children are “safe, wanted, and loved.”

At the weekly prayer and worship night, you are likely to find children either participating by waving ribbons around, coloring in their color books, or playing with their friends in the family room.

I’ve been in churches where children were expected to not be seen or heard. It was almost as if they didn’t actually exist in the church. I’ve also been in churches where children were expected to be completely silent and still, no exceptions. I wonder how those churches survive.

I’ve heard a saying, “If a church isn’t crying, it’s dying.” Our church is rarely silent on Sunday mornings, and I can’t help but think that’s how it should be. We are blessed to find ourselves in a church where children are so welcomed. To have unmarried men and women so selflessly pour their time and energy into our children’s lives. To have other children who will be our children’s friends.

Our church has grown significantly since we started attending in the fall of 2020, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s partially due to the way they view children. 🤔

Anyways, all that to say, I love the church we find ourselves at right now, and I will continue to enjoy it for however long God allows us. And if anyone finds themselves in need of a church in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, feel free to check out Branch Community in Gordonville.

Lead Me Gently

Isa 40:11b “and [He] shall gently lead those that are with young.”

God, I’m so tired! I don’t know why!


What is wrong with my brain? Why can’t I find the joy I know you have?


I feel like I’m spiraling! I feel like a terrible mom!


I have so many tears!


Please make the children sleep! I can’t do another night with so little sleep!


I’m begging You for help! I literally am unable to do this right now!


You promised to lead those with young gently. I’m not feeling the gentleness right now! I need more gentleness!


You’re here. I sense Your presence beside me. I want You. I crave You.


Please give me Your peace. Please comfort my soul.


Please just hold me while I cry. Please make it all better and help me to remember that You do care. Thank you.

Gently: to lead, give rest, lead with care, guide to a watering place or station, cause to rest, bring to a station or place of rest, guide, refresh (Strong’s Concordance)

Rest sometimes looks different as a mama in the thick of raising little ones. And yet in the darkest of nights, when I’m up again for the tenth time and I’m exhausted and begging God to please somehow make it better, I feel Him come beside me, lift my weary arms, and strengthen me to keep going and give comfort to the children who call me mom, the children who call for me in the middle of the night like I call for God. And I am so thankful for His promise to give us rest and refreshment in the middle of the intensity.

Let the Children Come to Me

It’s Wednesday afternoon. That means it’s time to load up our three children and the little boy I babysit into their carseats and head off to church for an hour.

Every Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 3, you will find me and four children in the prayer room at our church. Why? Because we are taking what is called a “prayer watch.” We spend one hour playing worship music and spending time in the presence of God.

Sometimes we dance or spin in circles with the ribbon flags. Sometimes, the children “play” the keyboard and sing along with the songs. Sometimes, the girls draw pictures while I supervise the two one year old boys’ explorations of all the sound equipment. Every once in a while, I get to do about 2 minutes of sitting in quiet conversation with God. Most of the time, tho, I am worshipping Him as I chase down one toddler and settle a dispute over the crayons with another one.

Why do I do this? Why do I prioritize taking four children ages 4, 2, 1, and 1 to church to worship for one hour? Because it is important to me to cultivate a heart of worship in each of our children. I want them to have conversations with God as easily as they have them with me. I want to build their faith that their prayers make a difference. I want to set an example of prioritizing time in God’s presence, no matter what else is going on in our lives. I want them to see that no matter how seemingly inconvenient it might be to do this every Wednesday afternoon, it is still important enough to me that we do it. I want prayer and worship, singing and dancing, and listening to hear what God is saying to be a normal part of our children’s lives.

The other week, we found our 4 year old’s little purse that she has been missing for months! Her immediate response was to say, “Thank you. God! I love you!” and then she drew a picture for Him to show her gratitude.

Once the song “Make Room” by Casting Crowns was playing. One of the lines in the song says, “Is there room in your heart for God to write His story?” Our daughter turned to me and said, “Mom, I can see God writing His story.” She went on to list ways she sees God writing His story in her life.

I imagine that God smiles when He sees the children’s pure worship. It doesn’t bother His ears when the notes they play aren’t perfectly in tune with the song. He delights in the colors that they choose for their pictures. I can almost hear Him chuckle when He sees their portraits of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He isn’t bothered that their worship sometimes looks like running in circles and giggling as they chase each other around the room. Their freedom in His presence is a delight. Their confident faith and sweet sensitivity to His voice is amazing.

Our children have so much delight in taking part in prayer watch that they ask if it’s time to go yet whenever they know it’s Wednesday.

It’s only one hour a week. Sometimes, it can seem like maybe I did nothing except try to calm the waves that are toddlerhood, and I wonder if God really cares about this one mother and the four tiny humans she brings. I sometimes feel guilty that my prayer watch is not as deeply reverent as some of the others that also hold prayer watches. I don’t get grand revelations or big breakthroughs, but still I go. And I do enjoy it.

No matter what chaos we bring into the room. No matter how frustrated I was trying to get everyone fed, changed, dressed, out the door, and loaded up to leave on time. No matter what. I walk into that room, crank the worship up, and I feel peace. I know that in His presence, there is rest. And it restores and energizes me. And by the time we leave, everyone is in a good mood and relaxed. That’s what the presence of God brings.

Little Blessings

We’ve been having a rough couple of weeks with our one child breaking her leg and having to be non-weight-bearing and another child battling a virus that makes her cough violently at random intervals. The coughing leads to less sleep for me as she wakes up multiple times a night and sometimes wakes up the other child in the room from her coughing and crying. And then today, Aaron got a surprise out of town work trip on the truck, so he’s gone till Saturday. And still there is good.

I have worked to cultivate my ability to seek positive in nearly every situation. To find something to be thankful for. And since it is Thanksgiving next week, it seemed appropriate to share my list of little blessings today.

1. I had about an hour notice that Aaron was leaving for 2.5 days. I was grateful to have canned ground beef and just enough tortillas to make a quick batch of flautas to pack in his lunch.

2. Two of the children simultaneously took hour+ naps today, which is a rarity these days, so I was able to have some uninterrupted time working on a writing project.

3. My great aunt and uncle stopped by for a quick visit, and it warmed my heart. My aunt also brought some delicious cookies and banana bread that we had for an afternoon snack.

4. The child who is sick willingly takes “medicine” (home remedies) and asks for it so I don’t have to expend energy to fight her about it.

5. I have nothing that won’t wait so I can spend hours every day holding children who just need a little extra snuggles.

6. I have pre-made espresso shots in the fridge so I can quickly make myself an iced Maple breve to help caffeinate my day.

7. We finally found a gym that will suit for the next pickleball tournament that we are hosting.

8. I can quickly fill the dishwasher and run a load so I don’t get dreadfully behind on dishes while mothering the sick and injured.

9. I live in such a modern time that I can simply pre-order the things on my grocery list, and they will be ready and waiting at the store when I go to pick them up. And someone will even load them into my vehicle for me! I might as well be a queen!

10. Most of all, I can feel Jesus’s presence very near me and sustaining me through this intense mothering season, and it feels good.

So there’s my list of 10 things I’m grateful for today. What’s on your list?

My Beloved

It’s been 6 years. It’s been the best 6 years of my life. Being married to my best friend is the absolute best thing in the world. It might sound cliché, but it really is the truth for me. Aaron is my favorite person in the world, and I am so glad he is in my life. There is no one I would rather be with. I am head-over-heels in love with him.

Here’s a short glimpse into our love story… ❤️

First date, Valentines Day 2017, in Winchester, VA
Impromptu photos in the snow
Proposal, April 2017
Wedding Day, October 7, 2017
Happily Ever After
Honeymoon in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Snowboarding for the first time (me) on the actual coldest day of the year. It was 0F without windchill. 🥶
Couples’ night in 2019 just before Ida joined us
September 2023, more in love than ever 😍
Our family now with three littles, 4 and under, and so much love, life, and energy

Marriage has been such a beautiful thing. Being each other’s favorite people is the best. You know it’s good when the four year old announces, “Mom, your babe is home!” every day when he comes home from work. 😄

I love our life together. God handpicked exactly who and what I needed in a spouse, and He even gave me the few specifics that I desired, like big hands, a bass singing voice, an uncommon Mennonite last name, and the ability to speak a second language.

To have someone who knows you so fully and loves you so completely is amazing. To have someone you can feel completely safe with is the best. To get to live life with your best friend every single day and laugh together and cry together and raise little ones together is so much fun!

We have the best adventures, and I can hardly wait to see what the next decades hold. I love you infinity! 😇

On Gratefulness

On Thursday, I was sick. I mean, SICK! Fever that came on out of the clear blue sky and quickly rocketed up to nearly 104! I was down for the count. I laid on the couch, did some homeschooling with our kindergartener, drank as much water as I could stand, and tried not to cry when all the children wanted to sit on me out of concern for me, and just tried to survive until Aaron could get home from work. 😄 But in the middle of all of that, I found myself grateful, ever so grateful.

I’m grateful that I rarely get that sick. In fact, Aaron was pretty sure it was the first time in the six years we’ve been together. I get the occasional cold and whatnot, but I very rarely get that ill where I can barely even move.

I’m grateful that I have access to clean kids’ shows such as Superbook and Hermie and Friends to help entertain the children when I’m that sick.

I’m grateful that our baby is 11 months old and is already quite independent, so he didn’t need quite as much attention from me.

I’m grateful that my body’s immune system works so well and put up such a valiant effort against some kind of foreign invaders.

I’m grateful that Aaron, my husband, could come home from work, give the children supper, and put them all to bed without any help from me. He’s amazing and took such good care of me and the children!

I’m grateful that I understand enough about how the human body works and that I could relax and trust that my body would do its thing if I supported it.

I’m also grateful for nurse advice lines to call when you’re not sure if there’s an actual number on the thermometer that should be immediately concerning.

And I’m grateful to have the most amazing children who were so concerned about their sick mama and did their best to show how much they cared.

But today, I’m very grateful to be mostly well again.