A Female History Maker

We went to see Cabrini in theaters today, and this woman who I had never heard of suddenly struck me as the kind of woman I want our children, especially our girls, to know about.

Francis Xavier Cabrini was an Italian nun who came to New York City and fought the system to make things better for Italian immigrants. She made a home for street children living in the sewer. She saw prostitutes with the eyes of Jesus. She spoke up for those with no voice and stayed in authority while going up the chain of command for help. She even went as far as going back to Italy in order to follow her orders to only solicit money from Italians.

And as I watched the story of this incredible woman and recognized traits that I already see developing in our daughters (ages 3 & almost 5), I found myself wondering what they will accomplish in the future. I also found myself with a desire to teach our girls about women like Cabrini, who created lasting change and created a legacy of hope and healing. I want our girls not to be afraid of speaking in places where people say they don’t belong. I want them to have the courage and wisdom to use whatever resources are at their disposal to further God’s kingdom. I want them to walk fearlessly in places where even the police won’t go. I want them to have a mission from God so bold that they are willing to risk everything to accomplish it. I want to empower them even now with the tools and beliefs that they need to make things happen in the future. I want them to learn the stories of women like Cabrini, Amy Carmichael, Gladys Aylward, and Elisabeth Elliott.

I believe that we are raising the next generation of world changers, and I believe that they will do great things. I love this quote from Douglas Wilson,  “Stop feeling sorry for your kids and grandkids. Why would we raise generations of dragon slayers and be disappointed to have dragons for them to fight? Cheer up. It’s more dangerous than you thought.”

And that is the gist of it, I think. There are still “dragons” loose in the world that need conquering. While I can not fight them all by myself, I can empower our children and broaden my influence on future generations. In turn, they can influence the generations after them. And so I will teach them. I will teach them to stand up for what is right. I will teach them to use their voices and their influence to change the world. I will instill confidence in them and a deep faith in God’s goodness and power. I will help them see people as Jesus sees them. I will point them to God as the source of power and authority. And I will cheer them on as they make their way in the world.

Thus ends Women’s History Month for 2024 with my belief that I am currently raising female future history-makers.